Behind the Words at BiblioBuffet
It's a blog. Not just any blog, but one in which you can share some of the goings-on behind each week's issue. We won't tell all but we will share some fun things. Come peek behind our curtain.
From the Editor's Desk: Lauren Roberts
Heat does not a good companion make for Lauren. But good books always do, and this weekend she is using ice cream and D. H. Lawrence’s Sea and Sardinia to take her away from the heat.
A Reading Life: Nicki Leone
What does it take to spoil a book? Nicki asks and answers that question for herself and her readers as she considers how she reviews books as both book reviewer and bookseller—and as a seductress and seductee.
BibliOpinions: Guests
Our guest column is empty this week. Please check back.
Biographology: Carl Rollyson
How do biographers choose their subjects? It may be a common question, but it is a fascinating question that Carl explores the journey he undertook from dissertation and an academic life to that of wide-ranging biographer of people as different as Marilyn Monroe and Lillian Hellman.
Book Brunch: Lev Raphael
What do you do when an author you love writes something offensive? There’s always email, of course, but what if the author’s dead? Well, you can always write another book. That’s what Lev did in response to the anti-Semitism in The House of Mirth, and you may never look at her classic novel in the same way again.
Bookish Dreaming: Gillian Polack
Can fantasy novels be based in history? Gillian explores three new books that do use the backdrop of history for their stories yet, as she explores and explains, they “don’t focus on daily life nor even on the real politics of a place and time.” Rather, she finds “history is a backdrop for fantasy—with magic and daggers and death and gods and dragons.”
Literary Amusements
Wise, witty, and sardonic quotes about books and reading plus quirky and interesting literary factoids.
Memoirama: Lindsay Champion
Lindsay, who loves New York as only someone who has lived there for a long time can., takes a look at a little publishing house that has reprinted three of the finest books about the “its constantly beating pulse” of New York City ever written.
On Marking Books: Laine Farley & Lauren Roberts
Supermarkets are often thought of as modern developments, but their history—beginning with the first rural dry goods stores in the nineteenth century—is vast and complex. Oddly, it was a bookmark for a community grocery market that led Lauren on a historical journey as she explored one unique bookmark.
The Athletic Supporter: Pete Croatto
Quiet politician, Rhodes scholar, superb athlete, extraordinary man; that was Bill Bradley. Pete is impatient with the modern memoirs of today's athletes and this week, takes a look backward in time to two first-rate books about this man who, he says, “succeeded by being himself.”
Art of the Book
We found these excellent websites, blogs, and videos that celebrate the book arts of illustration, illumination, printing, typography.
Book Donations
These organizations work to get books into the hands of those who need and want them but cannot otherwise afford them, and we recommend them.
Copyright & Plagiarism
Looking for information on Intellectual Property issues? These websites and blogs offer reliable, up-to-date information for people in all the creative professions.
Book Festivals, U.S.
Alabama - Florida
Georgia - North Dakota
Ohio - Wyoming
Book Festivals, World
Africa - England
France - Wales
Bookmark Blogs & Sites
If you love bookmarks as much as we do, you’ll love these sites that talk about and sell bookmarks.
Book-Related Blogs
We go on searches to find what we think are the best of today's literary blogs, the ones worth reading. And these are among them.
Book-Related Sites
Belly up to this bibliophile snack bar and dig in because these literary websites are delicious and satisfying.
Literary Humor & Games
You like humor. We like humor. So add a smile to your day with these fun places that will certainly make your day a little brighter.
Places We Like
There are so many great sites on the Internet that have nothing to do with books. And we think you ought to know about these.
Shopping for Booklovers
Oooh, shopping! Use this page to find reading- and book-related gifts for yourself and others.
Writers' Resources
Not all readers are writers, but it is certain that all (good) writers are readers. For those who are, check out these sites about the art and business of writing.
About Us
How did BiblioBuffet begin? Where did the idea come from? This page will give you some background on where we began—and it wasn’t from the stork.
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