Table of Contents


Behind the Words at BiblioBuffet
It's a blog. Not just any blog, but one in which you can share some of the goings-on behind each week's issue. We won't tell all but we will share some fun things. Come peek behind our curtain. 

From the Editor's Desk: Lauren Roberts
[Note: owing to techinical difficulties, the publication of the new edition of BiblioBuffet will be delayed one week.]
Banned Books Week runs until October 1, and this time is not so much a celebration of the power of reading but of the perception some people have of its danger—and of their determination to impose their views on others. Lauren reminisces about the route this country seems to be on, and how BBW fits into that. 


A Reading Life: Nicki Leone
A message board question about what drives her to hold on to a book, was the opportunity for Nicki post a caffeine-fueled series of quirky responses. But she used that as a springboard for a more in-depth exploration of why she really does accumulate books at a brisk pace.

BibliOpinions: Guests
For Banned Books Week, Lauren takes a look at some books we’ve probably all read. More fortunately, had the opportunity to read. 

Biographology: Carl Rollyson
As Carl works with his publisher on the conversion of his manuscript into his newest book, he explores the reasoning behind his choice of a title, and why that choice was dropped in favor of a new title that better incorporated the enigma, heroism, and humanism of his subject.

Book Brunch: Lev Raphael
When you’re writing a memoir and striving for accuracy, how do you find it?  Especially if your memory of events is very different from what your family remembers? Lev explores a traumatic event in his family and how it’s been talked about and recalled by himself, his brother, and his mother.

Bookish Dreaming: Gillian Polack
Two new books from two different publishers, both about “young Jewish girls who live in lands new to them, brought there by difficult circumstances and by religious do-gooders,” and by religious do-gooders, and both distressing and compelling, are the focus of Gillian’s interest.

Literary Amusements
Wise, witty, and sardonic quotes about books and reading plus quirky and interesting literary factoids. 

On Marking Books: Laine Farley & Lauren Roberts
When artists turn their creative eye (and hands) to bookmarks, the result is often extraordinary. Laine describes the individual take each artist brought to her or his project and found that even though many of the bookmarks can be set into general themes they are indeed unique. 

Reading the Truth: Katherine Hauswirth
“What is it that drives us to choose our long-term partners and, more importantly, what keeps us with them, especially if it turns out they disappoint us?” asks Katherine as she explores two books that look at the roles partners assume.

The Athletic Supporter: Pete Croatto
Pete re-visits the former columnist who made headlines when his views on an international incident made headlines and finds that the man behind the words is still as acerbic as ever but also more complex, sensitive, and human than he was made out to be at the time.


Art of the Book
We found these excellent websites, blogs, and videos that celebrate the book arts of illustration, illumination, printing, typography.

Book Donations
These organizations work to get books into the hands of those who need and want them but cannot otherwise afford them, and we recommend them.

Copyright & Plagiarism
Looking for information on Intellectual Property issues? These websites and blogs offer reliable, up-to-date information for people in all the creative professions. 

Book Festivals, U.S.
Alabama - Florida
Georgia - North Dakota
Ohio - Wyoming

Book Festivals, World
Africa - England
France - Wales

Bookmark Blogs & Sites
If you love bookmarks as much as we do, you’ll love these sites that talk about and sell bookmarks.

Book-Related Blogs
We go on searches to find what we think are the best of today's literary blogs, the ones worth reading. And these are among them.

Book-Related Sites
Belly up to this bibliophile snack bar and dig in because these literary websites are delicious and satisfying.

Literary Humor & Games
You like humor. We like humor. So add a smile to your day with these fun places that will certainly make your day a little brighter.

Places We Like
There are so many great sites on the Internet that have nothing to do with books. And we think you ought to know about these.

Shopping for Booklovers
Oooh, shopping! Use this page to find reading- and book-related gifts for yourself and others.

Writers' Resources
Not all readers are writers, but it is certain that all (good) writers are readers. For those who are, check out these sites about the art and business of writing.


About Us
How did BiblioBuffet begin? Where did the idea come from? This page will give you some background on where we began—and it wasn’t from  the stork.

Meet Our Contributors
You’ve read them. You've enjoyed them. Now get to know them.

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Learn what genres we review, what we don't want, and what reviewing preferences each of our reviewers has. 

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